A Quote from Gil Boyne the late great author of 'Transforming Therapy': 

 "Neil French, your pioneering work in the UK has created an international reputation. I salute you." 

For details of the Successful Hypnotherapy Training Course please follow the link  

Neil French is the author of the book 'Successful Hypnotherapy''  which is available from this site.
 He was in Private Practice as a Hypnotherapist from circa 1974 until semi-retirement in 2000.
Neil French is universally credited with having created the concept of 'free association hypno-analysis'.  which brought Freudian Psychoanalysis into the 20th/21st Century and which has brought relief to multi-thousands of sufferers worldwide.

The original distance learning course has brought self-enlightenment and self-improvement to thousands and has put hundreds of hypnotherapists into practice around the world. It is equally valid today.

Listen to Neil via the Free Audio Download of "Relaxalongatherapist"