For details of the amazing offer of the
Successful Hypnotherapy - Distance Learning Course follow this link
The book 'Successful Hypnotherapy'' by Neil French is available from this site as a download.
Neil French was in Private Practice as a Hypnotherapist from circa 1974 and is universally accredited with having created the concept of 'free association hypno-analysis'. which brought Freudian Psychoanalysis into the 20th/21st Century and which has brought relief to multi-thousands of sufferers worldwide and continues to do so now.
The original distance learning course has brought self-enlightenment and self-improvement to thousands and has put hundreds of hypnotherapists into practice around the world. It is equally valid today.
Listen to Neil via the Free Audio Download of "Relaxalongatherapist"
A Quote from Gil Boyne the late great author of 'Transforming Therapy':
"Neil French, your pioneering work in the UK has created an international reputation. I salute you."
LINKS to pages in the site:
BLOW AWAY TECHNIQUE - Juvenile Therapy