relaxalong MP3.mp3
relaxalong MP3.mp3
In 1980 Neil recorded a self-improvement cassette tape which he nicknamed "relaxalongatherapist" where the opening words say it is designed to help you relax, stay calm, cope more easily with day to day pressures and enjoy a greater sense of self-worth.
There have been literally thousands of copies issued all over the world and the feed-back from students of the Successful Hypnotherapy Training Programme has been more than favourable.
Many have said how people suffering from catastrophic illness have benefited from repeat listening. A high percentage of students have replicated the tape and passed it on to relatives and friends so how many copies are actually in circulation is anybody's guess.
The 'tape', which runs for just over thirty minutes is available as an MP3 download above. .Click the start arrow to play from screen or use the three dots on the right to download. Enjoy !!